
Delivery Information


Express Grocer is an online shopping portal to serve nationally within India. Currently, we are not delivering products outside India.

What are the delivery charges?

Free Delivery: on orders value of Rs. 1000 or more (In a single order).

Flat Delivery Fee of Rs. 50/- for orders less than Rs. 1000/- 

What is the estimated delivery time?

We generally procure and ship the items within 1 working day however delivery might take 1-2 days depending on the delivery location and courier’s service in that area. More customized delivery time based on the delivery location pin code will be available later for customers to estimate delivery time while placing the order. Working days exclude public holidays and Sundays.

If you have shopped multiple products in a single transaction, we will send it to you in one single shipment. (In case of a single shipment, the delivery date would be on the date when all the products are ready to ship in some cases delivery can be in partial mode). At the time of delivery, if you are not available to receive the parcel, the courier company would leave a note for you to call them and arrange for re-delivery or you can pick it up from their location. We are not responsible for any delay caused by any unforeseen time lags by the courier companies in delivering the parcels to the customer, or if the customer is not available at the time of delivery.

Are there any hidden costs?

There are no hidden charges when you make a purchase with us. The prices listed for all the items are final and all-inclusive. The price you pay on the checkout page is including GST.

Why does the estimated delivery time vary?

Delivery times are influenced by product availability, geographic location of the customers as well as vendors/brands/manufacturers, etc.

"Welcome to Hastee Mart, your one-stop shop for convenient and reliable delivery services! We are dedicated to bringing you a wide range of products right to your doorstep, ensuring a hassle-free shopping experience.

At Hastee Mart, we offer an extensive selection of items to cater to your everyday needs. From groceries and household essentials to personal care products, electronics, and more, we have you covered. Our goal is to make your life easier by providing a seamless delivery service for all your requirements.

To place an order for Hastee Mart delivery, we offer two convenient options. Firstly, you can visit our user-friendly website, where you can explore our vast inventory. Simply browse through the categories, select the items you need, and add them to your cart. Once you're ready, proceed to the checkout page, where you can review your order, provide your delivery address, select a preferred delivery time slot, and make your payment.

Alternatively, you can take advantage of our mobile app, available for both iOS and Android devices. Our app offers a streamlined shopping experience, allowing you to easily search for products, add them to your cart, and complete your purchase with just a few taps. The app also provides personalized recommendations, exclusive deals, and offers for an enhanced shopping experience.

Once your order is placed, our dedicated team of delivery professionals springs into action. We strive to ensure prompt delivery, and our drivers are well-trained to handle your items with care. Your order will be carefully packaged to maintain product quality and freshness, particularly for perishable items.

We understand the importance of delivering fresh and high-quality products. For grocery deliveries, we work closely with our trusted suppliers to ensure that fruits, vegetables, and other perishable items are sourced with utmost care. We prioritize the quality and freshness of our products, so you can have peace of mind knowing that you're receiving the best.

We offer flexible delivery options to cater to your schedule. You can choose from same-day delivery, next-day delivery, or select a specific time slot that works best for you. We aim to provide convenience and accommodate your needs as much as possible.

Please note that delivery fees may apply, and in some cases, there might be minimum order requirements depending on your location. Any applicable fees or requirements will be clearly communicated during the checkout process.

Experience the convenience of Hastee Mart delivery today and let us take care of your shopping needs. We appreciate your trust in our services and look forward to serving you soon!"

Check delivery at your pincode

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Please Message Quickly On Whatsapp for any Question or query related to our products.
Naresh Teli
Managing Director
Hastee Sales
Sales Office
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